Register as Beta Tester Today

2 min readJul 27, 2022

As we stepped into Q3 2022, so is our Beta launch date. Our Beta launch date scheduled to be on September 2022. Exact time will be announce once we are nearer to September.

So, what is Beta Test? It is to let our clients and users to test out all the feature of Eumlet! Find any bugs, gather feedback from users and take in features that users may find it useful to implement. As part of our Beta Test, we will also be opening our on/off ramp for our users to test it out! No more CEX p2p, or buy using credit card.

Who can participate for our Beta Test? Everyone! Well, first you must register yourself at our website We will send out an invitation before our Beta Test launch so you can have a first peek on our product live!

How long will the test be? We estimate the test to run for 3 months. But it is a tentative idea at the moment, and this time frame is perfect for our team to gather the necessary info and feedback for our product.

Do remember to check out all our other social platform and remember to follow us for more update!

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Telegram: Eumlet TG
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LinkedIn: Eumlet LinkedIn

